

CNC Plasma Cutting Machine @ HEFNI SHIPYARD

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CNC Plasma cutting machine is now available at HEFNI SHIPYARD, Safaga.

CNC plasma cutting systems typically use the operator’s personal computer to create the shapes to be cut and control the cutting machine. The resulting shapes are smoother than would be possible with a band saw, and can include intricate curves, inside cuts, and sharp corners.

Cuts […]

By |September 6th, 2014|Blog|1 Comment

Advantages of Steel in building Ships

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Our buildings use all steel components with the natural advantages that steel offers. The advantages of steel for all your building projects:

Steel has the highest strength to weight ratio of any building material.
Provides consistent material quality; because it is produced in strict accordance with national standards, there is no regional variance in quality.
Simplified foundation construction.
Provides […]

By |July 11th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments
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